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Opportunities to Serve
Volunteer Teams
Children’s Ministry
Led by Lydia Thornton, Emily Sharp, and Laini Huffine
Here are some items that would be helpful or just fun to have in our classrooms. While we have these on an Amazon wishlist for visual consolidation, used items are gladly accepted!
Children’s Church and Nursery
Sunday Mornings: 9am service and 11am service
Volunteers will begin the worship service in the sanctuary and head to the classrooms during the offering time.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in serving in Children’s Church or Nursery
Sunday School
We are still in need of an assistant for Pre-K Sunday School for the fall semseter.
Please email Lydia Thornton at lydia.cordes@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out in Sunday School!
Please note that a background check is required for all Children’s Ministry Volunteers.
Youth Group
Led by Laini Huffine
Youth Group meets on Sunday Evenings at the church from 6-7:30pm
If you are interested in helping out with youth group, please email Laini Huffine at lhuffine@newcityeastlake.com.
Latino Ministries
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Led by Eunice Mendoza
We offer free English classes to the community on Monday nights from 6-8pm
We are still in need of teachers for the Fall 2023 Semester - No experience needed! The only requirement is that you speak English as your native language.
Please email Eunice Mendoza at emendoza@newcityeastlake.com if you are interested in helping out!
Hospitality Team - Greeting and Coffee
Greeting and Coffee
Led by Whit Guthrie and Brittany Young
Help make our church a welcoming place!
On Sundays when you are greeting only, you will need to arrive 15 min. early for the service and greet at your entrance until 10 minutes into the service
On Sundays when you are assigned to coffee duty, it will require about an 45 min extra time, either before the 9am service, or after the 11am service for clean up.
If you are interested in joining the greeting team, please provide your information here!
Congregational Care Team
Led by Debbie Grisham and Helen Stewart
The Congregational Care Team Exists to meet the care needs of our church body.
Due to the sensitive nature of this team there are a few additional requirements in order to volunteer. Please reach out to Pastor Danny at dmitchell@newcityeastlake.com if you would like to know more about joining the Care Team!
Ongoing or As Needed
Opportunities to Serve
Meal Trains
Led by Kaylan Brown of the Congregational Care Team
We provide meal trains for new parents, those who have had surgery, or other pressing needs.
It takes several contributors to make a meal train happen! Please help out by signing up to provide a meal for a meal train when you are able.
Current Meal Trains are posted in the Church E-Newsletter.
If you would like to make sure you receive the separate email that goes out to the congregation when a meal train is created, please email careteam@newcityeastlake.com.
Hospitality Sundays
Led by Abbey Hoobler
Hospitality Sundays are monthly opportunities for you to sign up to host people in your home for lunch!
During the summer months, Hospitality Sundays are informal - there are no sign-ups, but we encourage you to invite others, especially visitors, to your home for lunch.
Children’s Ministry Events
We need all hands on deck for the following annual events:
Look for volunteer sign-ups as the date of the event approaches!